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Are all tints the same?


Updated: 2 hours ago

Most of the products in the world consist of a range of grades or series. It is not different when it comes to tint.

Some people may think of different tints as either being dark or less dark.

However, that is not the case, besides being dark or less dark, the material used for the tint determines the tint quality as well. What does different quality of tint mean?

Basically, when we choose tints, there are a few basic things to look into. Darkness, Heat Rejection & Security are some of the common deciding factors when choosing a tint.

You can find out more on how to choose tint here.

Let’s talk about darkness first. The one that seems most obvious to everyone is the difference in darkness.

You will see some commonly used terms such as VLT% to describe darkness indicating the % of visible light transmission for a tint. The higher the VLT, the more the light enters, the less dark it is.

Most cases, you are able to select your own darkness preference and whether to comply with the JPJ regulation on the darkness.

Comparing the same Tint Series, the darker tint helps to block out more sun, giving you less heat in the car.

However, do note that for better heat rejection tints, a brighter tint could have better heat rejection properties compared to a poor quality darker tint.

Next, Heat Rejection is the main factor that separates the tint quality and also the price.

Materials used to manufacture the tint indicates whether the tint has a high heat rejection property or not.

For example, dye film is the lowest grade tint that does not last long and fades over time. Naturally, they are made with cheaper materials and cost the least.

However, better tint types are like nano ceramic types, with better heat rejection and longer lasting.

The best quality tint around is the multilayer sputtering type that reflects heat away from the car.

Security is also a factor that you may want to consider. A security tint is basically a tint that is so adhesive that it does not shatter easily.

Even if someone tries to shatter your car with a bat, the glasses would still be stuck as one piece onto the tint.

This provides a safety feature for the passenger inside the car. Typically, a thicker tint would have a better security property but being too thick is bad for your car windows as well.

So the next time you are looking for a tint, do make sure to remember these factors that differentiate tint grades.

A good tint that lasts long needs no replacement for a long period of time, possibly until you change your car.

But if you don't plan on using your car for a long time horizon, there are intermediate tints that have good heat rejection but don't cost too much as well.

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