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Understanding Window Tint Darkness Specifications


When shopping for window tint, there are several factors to consider.  It’s important to balance cost, thermal rejection characteristics, warranty and style to help you get a film solution you will be happy  with for the life of the vehicle.

In this article, we are going to look  at the light transmission specification that describes how dark the tint  is.

All manufacturers of automotive-grade window film use a number that  describes the amount of visible light that passes through the film to  describe its darkness level. 

This is known as the Visible Light Transmission (VLT) number. A VLT  rating of 50 implies that 50% of visible light is blocked by the  film.

A rating of 5 tells you that the film is very dark and that 95%of visible light is blocked and only 5% is allowed to  pass into the vehicle.

Many people refer to that 5% VLT rating as  “limo tint” because it offers the most privacy.

Depending on the brand  of film your tint shop uses, films are available in shades between 5 and  70 so you can decide what looks best on your vehicle.

Keep in mind that MALAYSIA JPJ has laws regarding how  dark your window tint film can be. 

Front windscreen 70%, front side windows 50%,however there are no limit for the rear windscreen and rear side windows.

Why You Should Avoid Cheap Tint Jobs

At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that there are a lot  of characteristics to keep in mind when shopping for window film.

The low quality of dyes and adhesives used in a window tint installation  clearly won’t offer the same longevity as a premium solution.

Those cheap films often start to fade or turn purple after a year and the  adhesives can fail, causing the film to bubble or peel.

If you are interested in having your windows tinted,  do your research and look for a local mobile enhancement retailer that  offers name-brand films.

Better shops may have a demonstration center  that will show you how the different films perform in terms of rejecting  heat.

Finally, make sure you know what warranty the film and  installation carry. A properly equipped shop that uses high-quality  films will be able to help you choose the right tint darkness to make  your vehicle look amazing and remain comfortable for years.

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